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5% Initiative - AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria
France’s indirect contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria



The 5% Initiative aims to respond to requests for technical expertise from French-speaking countries, to support them in designing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating and measuring the impact of grants allocated by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
  • € 18m/year
  • 18/11/2011

As a leading donor to the combat against the great pandemics, France has taken a firm decision to support multilateral cooperation, to which it has devoted increasing resources since 2002, and two-thirds of its funding to international cooperation on health.

As the second biggest contributor to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the leading contributor to UNITAID, in 2010 France launched a new arrangement for contributing to the Global Fund: the “5% Initiative”.

The 5% Initiative is France’s response to a view shared by a range of actors in French-speaking countries, whereby the latter have been encountering repeated issues either in gaining access to the resources of the Global Fund or in deploying financial resources that have been received.

Application of the Initiative takes the form of an indirect contribution from France to the Global Fund equivalent in an amount equal to 5% of the total French contribution to the Fund each year, or €18 million annually, over the period 2014 to 2016.

It aims to respond to requests for technical expertise from French-speaking countries, to support them in designing, implementing, monitoring/evaluating and measuring the impact of grants allocated by the Global Fund, in order to enhance their effectiveness and their impact on health. It is based on the mobilisation of French and French-language expertise available in these domains.

In accordance with the 2005 Paris Declaration on the effectiveness of development aid and the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action, the 5% Initiative is directed at building local capacity and enhancing ownership of programmes financed by the Global Fund by the countries concerned. Close attention is paid to avoiding duplication between the 5% Initiative and other existing mechanisms and especially activities financed by the Global Fund itself.

Two types of action

By mobilising French-speaking expertise in the North and the South, the Initiative also helps reinforce complementarity and synergy between activities to counter the pandemics conducted with multilateral and bilateral support from France.

The system is deployed in two mutually complementary ways.

Channel 1: a response to one-off needs for high-level expertise

The purpose of Channel 1 is to respond to one-off requirements for expertise for actors in eligible countries for the support of implementation, governance, monitoring/evaluation, design or impact measurement relating to Global Fund grants. Country Coordinating Mechanisms, Principal Recipients and Sub-recipients of Global Fund grants, along with national actors in the fight against the three pandemics in those countries, can submit an application for expertise at any point in the year.

Approved expert missions are implemented by Expertise France and its partners (5% Initiative Network).

Channel 2 : funding for expert projects

The 5% Initiative’s Channel 2 is aimed at funding projects lasting between two and three years which address programmatic needs or structural problems in beneficiary countries. The grants are allocated on the basis of a competitive procedure involving calls for projects.

For the years 2012 and 2013, four thematic areas have been given priority after consultation with partners in over twenty countries:

 • Health system strengthening

 • Operational research

 • Governance

 • Procurement and Supply Management

Core principles

 • Complementarity with Global Fund activities

 • Rapid mobilisation of expertise to meet one-off needs (Channel 1)

 • A focus on building the capacity of beneficiaries

 • Promotion of innovative initiatives

 • Leverage of expertise on health from the French-speaking world


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